Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How To Make Your Invitations Stand Out

Gone are the days of boring invitations that blend into the mail and don't bring the high level of excitement you're hoping to generate for your wedding. When it comes to creating invitations, these are the perfect way to think outside the box and make an impression before the ceremony even begins.

 Make It 3D
                Whether it's a popup invitation or something unique (one bride with a smaller wedding, for example, mailed out messages in bottles), a 3D wedding invitation will separate you from the crowd and add that unique touch you're looking for. When you're investigating ideas, remember that the cost of shipping could be prohibitive for those brides with a larger wedding and small budget, but a popup card is a great way to meet in the middle and send out a creative invitation for an affordable cost.

Choose a Pattern
                Most wedding invitations work off of a theme or color scheme, and choosing a pattern makes your invitation pop out of the mail pile. Pattern is one of the biggest trends for overall wedding ideas in 2013. Using a pattern can be tricky, but allow for more do-it-yourself themes if you can match ideas throughout different parts of the ceremony and reception.

Make It Shapely
                Shapes are another unique option for your wedding invitation that goes far beyond the typical rectangle. Mailing a unique shape like an oval or a star is a great way to share the news of your big event. The only downside to this is that it can be difficult to find envelopes (if you want them) for these out of the box shapes.

Make it A "Hard Copy"
                If your guests are into collecting memories, they'll hold on to your wedding invitation for years to come. Why not make it even more unique by transforming the invitation into a Christmas ornament or a long-lasting treat for the guests to enjoy (you can also link these invitations to your overall theme, such as the ornament for the Christmas wedding or a refrigerator magnet for your summer picnic theme.

Link it To Your Overall Theme
                If you've picked particular colors or an overall theme, link your invitation to it- it can be a glimpse of the vintage bouquet you selected from B In TheCenter or a shot of your wedding shoes, too, to give guests a peek at what's to come.


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